Immigration From a Teacher’s Perspective

  • What is the most important thing I learned about my topic from my interviewee?
  • Why is that important?
  • What is the most surprising thing I learned about my topic from my interviewee?
  • Why is that surprising?

As I interviewed SHS music teacher Beverly Mosby, I realized that immigration does not only affect immigrants themselves but also those around them. The most important thing that I learned from her was that even though English can be a barrier in school an din music, it gives you the opportunity to progress and becomes something more than just a normal person. I believe that people would be able to have better thinking skills if they were bilingual or trilingual etc. As Ms Mosby said, everyone in school and in our community will be affected if all immigrants would be gone. She believes that music reaches everyone no matter the language but those that are unable to understand the language are still able to feel and have emotions towards the sound of music. Like many people today, many teachers have mixed feelings about US’s president Trump as he instead of using his power towards communism or the problems with Russia and North Korea, he emphasizes his power on innocent people who are unable to do anything or defend themselves. Minorities are a big part of our economy and without them there would be a major depression as they provide a variety of their culture which brings us wealth from the food, music and artifacts. They bring diversity to our country and even if they were gone, white supremacist would still find a race to torment. I think a major point that my interviewee stated was that English should not be required to be spoken by everyone and instead we should all focus on learning other languages so these minorities wont have to feel isolated or lonely. As the United States is a country of immigrants, English should not be the official language as many people who do not speak will feel left out.

One think that I found surprising was that even though Ms Mosby is not an immigrant herself, she is a descendant from a slave and therefore has gone through personal experiences with discrimination and racism. As an African American singer, Ms. Mosby has faced discrimination due to her skin color, and her body shape. She had personal experience with many white people calling her the N word as well as be told that she was not suppose to sing and that due to her skin color she was less of a person as well as less of a singer.

White supremacy has a limit and it most stop, not are immigrants being the only ones being affected but also African Americans and minorities. United States’ economy is based on the diverse of the people, culture and ideas, given so, it would be devastating. Socially, we would also be affected as our culture is composed of Asian, Haitian, Hispanic, Brazilian Indian, African and many other cultures. Many restaurants industries are Mexican, Chinese and even Italian. Many Americans enjoy the different food but what would happen once people are gone? As Ms. Mosby said, it is our duty to protect our nation, to be united and rebel against those who believe America is a single story. America is composed of many stories that created a complex one.

I may not be a writer but I know a thing for sure, America will not be America without its colors, without its diversity and without its people. So let’s fight for a better tomorrow.


Yeap, Corruption! Our won President in 21st Century! After many years of El Salvador being controlled by the right political party, in 2009 it seemed as if the left was going to finally win the president election. And indeed, they did. President Mauricio Funes won the presidential elections, he represent the FMLN party, an liberalism party. At first Mauricio seemed as the best choice for El Salvador as he advocated for gangs to come to peace and stop crime from happening. His term ended in 2013. In 2016 investigations revealed that during his term Mauricio had done “money laundering “, he had many mansions all around the world  and many of his accounts had mysterious huge amount of money. Today, Maurico is free and under “asylum” in Nicaragua. He is just one of the many corrupted presidents that El Salvador has had. And just like here, many countries in Central America are ruled by corrupted, selfish presidents who steal the people’s money.

Due to such corruptions, these countries cannot progress. Poverty and crime are the results from such atrocities. People are unable to speak up and overthrown such governments due to the fear of being killed or send to prison for using their right of speech.

This and many other factors are the REASONS for many people to leave their home country and seek for a better opportunity. While many cannot understand such atrocities and may not see this as an excuse to “invade” another country, corruption can take over people’s happiness, peace and well being. It is because of corruption that many people in these countries are poor and jobless. Corrupt governments take away the people’s money, the people’s opportunities for a better future.

If these “illegal” immigrants were to be sent back to their country, there is nothing more than despair, hopelessness and poverty waiting for them.

You may think that that’s none of your business, or that that’s none of your concern but what if this was happing here in the United States? What if Trump becomes a dictator and suddenly the economy goes down and we have another depression? Would you try to flee? Would you try to look for a better place for your family and you?

Many od these immigrants do not want to leave their culture and their family behind but they have not other choice than to do that since they cannot hope for money to fall out of the sky. The conditions socially, economically and politically of many of these countries are not ideal for prosperity nor to survive.


What question is this text addressing? What is the TPS and how is it related to immigrants? What would mean to our economy is TPS is removed? How would Massachusetts be affected by the removal of TPS? How are immigrants and businesses related?

How does the text answer that question? TPS is a legal form of documents granted to immigrants whose countries experience natural disasters, armed conflict, or other extraordinary conditions that make return unsafe. In MA there are 7,800 TPS holders who pass criminal background checks every 18 months and are productively working, paying off mortgages, and paying taxes. Due to the decision that Trump’s administration made this past week, many TPS holders can and will be in danger of deportation as they claim that such countries are no longer experiencing none of the factors requires to be given or renewed the TPS. Amazon; a major business in the USA claims that in order for there to success in business, there most be diversity. Immigrants provide this diversity as many different ideas can be contributed in order to create inventions and new ideas that could lead to economical successes. In Massachusetts, such TPS holders contribute more than $645 million to Massachusetts’ annual GDP. meaning, that if all these TPs are deported only in MA, there would be a lost of $645 millions dollars. There is wide agreement that restricting immigration would restrain growth and that steady immigration is key to a diverse and healthy economy. For states like Massachusetts — where innovation and talent are the economy’s central assets — any proposal that impacts immigrants is cause for concern.

What do I feel, think, or believe about that answer?

In a way I agree that TPS requirements are low expired for many countries as many of them are not suffering from natural disasters. On the other hand, these countries are lie in the poverty line comparer to many countries in Europe or even the United States. I believe that there should be another solution in order to give these people that have being living in the United States for around 20 years, the opportunity to get another type of legal documents and stay in the country where they have find success and form a family. It is obvious that removing these huge amount of immigrants from the country will indeed give more Americans the opportunity to get more jobs but also it would take many years for the United States to recover and gain the money that will be lost if all these immigrants are deported.

Central America

What question is this text addressing?

How is the United States compared to the rest of the Central America’s countries? Which ones seem to be more successful ad why? How do these countries survive?

How does the text answer that question?

Based on the chart, the United states is more successful than all the Central America countries. For instance, the United States’ life expectancy is 76.7 while for Guatemala is 64. Although many factors contribute to such difference, the United states stile has a higher life expectancy than all these countries. Also even in the infant mortality there is a huge difference as in the United States there is only 1 per 1000 live births awhile for Guatemala there is 43 infant deaths per 1000 live births. Most of the Central America’s countries are considered developing countries which means that they live mostly in poverty, have shorter life spans, have higher death rates and lack quality health care. Although some countries like Nicaragua are seemed to be better and more successful, they still have a greater population growth than most countries, meaning that it takes more land for the government to support and more money to provide jobs and better life quality like health care and protection. Most of the countries in Central America relied on coffee and bananas ex[port while only having the United States as the main investor. this is the only way most of the money comes from while the rest involves importation and fishing.

What do I feel, think, or believe about that answer?

I think that even though countries that seem successful, they are still not equally transform like the United states and so the United states should not expect these governments to be bale to successfully maintain democracy and a safe environment. These countries still need help fro those in power in order to survive and progress, saying this, I think that by sending more immigrants back to their country they will harm these countries as finally they seem to be getting somewhere. To the united States, these immigrants are doing good to the economy so why send them back if they are going to make another country’s economy even worse?

Immigration and Economy

Image result for immigrant and economy

What question is this text addressing?

What portion of America are immigrants, How do they affect the country’s economy and what would happen if they were gone?

How does the text answer that question?

As of 2015, there were 43.3 millions immigrants in America, today that number is higher. 13.5% of the entire population are immigrants! Many of these immigrants have children that were born in the United States. Although many immigrants do not have higher education, due to the DACA program, such rates are improving as more illegal immigrants are able to go to college and get a degree.  Most of these immigrants contribute to the work force and even “illegals” immigrants pay social security taxes even though they are not eligible to get the benefits once they retired due to their legal status. Many may claim that immigrants “take jobs away from Americans” but in reality, immigrants are the only ones willing to do the jobs that A Americans do not want to do. Since most immigrants do not know how to speak English, they are less likely to get a job that involves communication skills. So no, they do not take your jobs! The most common jobs they take are in agriculture and construction which by the way are not high pay jobs in case you did not know.  Immigrants lower the price of goods and services for everyone. And that’s because they provide low-cost labor that allows companies to reduce prices of consumer goods. In overall, immigrants benefits America more than it hurts so why would we deport all these immigrants?

What do I feel, think, or believe about that answer?

I think that many people do not realize what they have until it’s gone and I know that sounds like a cliche but it is reality and we, Americans need to start seeing that immigrants are ding good for our economy and that America overall is made up of immigrants and the work they do. In my personally I have seen how hard my dad has work to get his daughters a brighter future and I think that’s what all immigrants look up to, a brighter future. Immigrants do not come to America to “steal jobs”, they come for a better future and an opportunity to have freedom and safety which can be seen as a simple thing for someone that has the privilege to have this throughout his life.

Death and Crime

Most of the countries where many immigrants are from are in the list of high crime such as “drug trafficking, kidnapping, extortion, robbery, and other activities that involve or lead to violence”.

 What question is this text addressing?

What it is like in the native countries of many immigrants in America, what these countries’ crime rates are and what would these immigrants would have to face once they are deported to such countries.

How does the text answer that question?

Based on the article, many of the most dangerous countries are in the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America where many of immigrants in America are from. They have such high rates in crimes due to poor economy and the corruption within their government. El Salvador is rated as the #8 most violent country where it is plagued by gang violence and drug trafficking and where many previous presidents are in jail or fugitives due to recent research that they were corrupted and stole money from the people. Another country is Honduras rated #6, Honduras is known for the drug trafficking and the high rates of death per day. Honduras has a homicide rate of 60 per 100,000 inhabitants. Many of these immigrants left their country due to fear of dying or getting involved in such crimes, going back to this situation will not due any good to America nor the countries they are from. As stated before, such crime rates are high due to poverty and over population, bringing more people to the countries will spark more violence as more people will be unemployed and many of these immigrants will be forced to become criminals in order to survive. Since most of these countries governments are corrupted, they will not be able to help these returners nor help them adjust to a new culture nor make program to protect them from kidnapping or death.

What do I feel, think, or believe about that answer?

Personally I think that these immigrants have not chance in going back to their natives countries since they are used to America, a free country where they do not have to be worry about violence or hunger as much as they would be if they go back. Going back would meant to star all over, getting a job in these countries is extremely difficult as there not much to do and the wages are barely enough to live and eat. Although they will be back with their family, most of these family currently depend on them to send them some money to eat and survive, by these immigrants going back it would be economically back for themselves and the family they are trying to support. I think that for them to go back is a risk that could end with their life or caused them to become criminals or simply starve to death.

What Would Happen?


Now that the DACA is gone, “800,000 undocumented immigrants” will suffer from “losing their work permits, jobs and health insurance and, in many states, their driver’s licenses”, meaning that instead of benefiting the economy, this will negatively affect our economy as more taxes will be paid by individuals. I believe that although President Trump is trying to help Americans to get more jobs and help our economy by getting rid of immigrants, instead he will do quite the opposite as these young minds could hold the key for the success of this country. Many of these immigrants could become lawyers, doctors, teachers, Scientifics, etc. DACA was the only source for this immigrants to have so kind of aspirations and hope for a better future where they would not have to be discriminated or blamed for the mistakes made by their parents. Many of these young immigrants do not know anything about their native countri4es, all they know is the Americans culture, some only speak English and going back to their country will not only affect them but also those poor countries where people are barely surviving either because of the economy, violence or because of political wars. I know that some Americans are unable to see this part of the spectrum but would you allow your children to be taken away from you, knowing that they could be in danger and that they have no future back in your country? America must unite and stay together in order to prevent these young immigrants from being hurt physically and mentally.


As of September 5, 2017, the DACA act was officially removed by President Donald Trump. On September 25, 2017, Republican Senators Thom Tillis, James Lankford and Orrin Hatch came up with the SUCCEED ACT which could be a temporary fix for those young immigrants who are so close to face deportation. I feel sad that after Trump threating against the DACA act no one did anything but now that is officially removed, Republicans are trying to cover up for their mess by creating this new act that is not official and that does not guarantee that these young adults will stay in the United States; the only they have known throughout their whole life. On the other hand, I feel that these Senators can help these young immigrants and that even though not all of them will be helped, many will be saved from the injustice of President Trump and his idea of white supremacy. I believe that if more Senators like them come together, and more politicians believe in the country’s future being held in the youth hands, then they can all come together to an agreement to give these children the opportunity to growth as professionals and cooperate with the prosperity of the country both socially and economically. I know that the SUCCEED Act will help millions of young immigrants, those who “arrived in the U.S. before the age of 16 years, holding a high school diploma or equivalent, passing an extensive criminal background check, submitting biometric data to the Department of Homeland Security and being able to pay off any existing federal tax liabilities”. Although such requirements seem a lot, many of these young adults will be eligible and able to fulfill the dream one way or another. They will get a chance to be with their families here for a longer time and enjoy the freedom and opportunities that this country offers.

What it is like to be an immigrants in a country where despite its diversity, discrimination, racism and stereotypes still deferred dreams?

The beautiful country of the United States of America is known for its economical success, democracy and of course, its diversity. Many immigrants come from many countries in search for a brighter future, somewhere they can be safe, work and be with their love ones. They come with the hope of living in peace but reality is different. Many immigrants face fear of being captured as they live in a undocumented life. Others face racism because of their skin color, accent and inability to speak English. Others face stereotypes like all Hispanics are from Mexico, all of them don’t speak English, all of them are uneducated, all of them are dark skin, all of them have low income, all of them steal jobs.  I was born in El Salvador, being an immigrant has influenced my life in all aspects. I am fortunate to be able to go to my country whenever I please but what about those who have not go to the country for 5, 10, 20, 30 years? Would you be able to be away from your family and culture for so long? Many immigrants who come to the united states are undocumented whoo one way or another are forced to leave their family and start from 0.In the 1980s, my family was undocumented living in fear of when they were going to get caught. Today, many other families still struggle with the same situation even if it’s being more than 30 years ago.  Young undocumented immigrants are the most affected in today’s society as they were brought to this country at a young age when they were not able to understand or participate in their parent’s decisions. In 2012, the program DACA helped many of these students to fulfill their dreams. They were able to get a proper job, have a driver’s license, go visit their family and go to college.   After president’s Trump election, such program was questioned. In september 2017, the news of DACA being removed was officially stated. Those affected by this have little time to get their papers ready and either be ready to leave or get ready to fight. The claim is that, immigrants are hurting more than benefiting the country’s economy but who are the ones mostly working in agriculture, construction, house keeping, roofing and all those hard jobs which Americans do not want to do? Immigrants, are the mostly the ones who can put up with such jobs due to necessity even if they are paid low wages.  If DACA is removed, what would happen to all these young immigrants? Are the countries where many of these immigrants going back to ready economically and socially for a change in their population?